I watched a bunch of documentaries and read a few books and they all came back to the same message. The best way to reduce my risk for many of the modern western world diseases I needed to consider a vegan diet. Well easier said than done. My friends and family can attest I mentioned my desire for several months but just never made the commitment. I am 34 years old, keep busy with rec league soccer, TRX and an active social life. Oh and my husband and I are trying to have a baby, our first baby. So I guess that means it is time for me to start getting healthier!
I picked up the Engine 2 Diet by Rip Esselstyn and I realized it is time to give it a try and this is as easy as any other way to start. I have been a vegetarian for almost three years and yet I find that my diet is still very dependent on animal products. Also I consider myself pretty healthy, but I make bad food choices frequently, especially when I am socializing. And then my kitty, Iggy, was recently diagnosed as a diabetic. Yup I am working to be healthy and I over feed my kitty to the point he is a diabetic. Really sad, but we are actively working to find the right diet and level of insulin for him.
Ok so I read the book and it got me motivated to jump on the band wagon yet again. So here I am. I thought if I document the process, post it, and share my info it would keep me hooked, honest and give other motivations! I am going to share my starting info. I am not too proud of this info, hence, why I want to do this before I become a mom. I plan to exercise with cardio and strength training as described in the book.
Here is my info I collected on Sunday before I started and the blood work is from the last time I gave blood to Hoxworth on 2.26.2013. Nice added bonus to giving blood is a free chance to look at your blood work J
My Start
Weight: Total
146.2 lb
Weight: Water
Weight: Fat
Measurement: Height
5’ 6”
Measurement: Waist at naval
Measurement: Bust
Measurement: Hip
Measurement: Booty
Measurement: Thigh
L 22.5 R 22
Measurement: Calf
L 14 R 14
Measurement: Arm
L 11.5 R 12
Measurement: Neck
Waist to Height
Heart Rate: Standing
72 bpm
Heart Rate: Exercise
132 bpm
Heart Rate: Rest
80 bpm
Hoxworth: Blood Pressure
Hoxworth: HCT
Hoxworth: Total Cholesterol
My goals are to lose weight, improve the above numbers, reduce this constant tired feeling, fall asleep at night, sleep through the night and wake up easier each morning, increase concentration, reduce sick time and hopefully heal some of my ailments like my knees and ear aches. I know some of these are related to me stopping birth control but I hope I can improve them by trying this challenge.
If you are interested in starting too; consider the below website, The Engine 2 Diet and Forks Over Knives documentary. And make sure you talk to your doctor too
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