Depression afflicts many Americans. Some reports estimate as many as 19 million Americans over 18 suffer from depression. It afflicts women twice as often men and more Americans suffer from depression than cancer or heart disease. I think that depression is only natural. It is the feelings created by situations and lack of nutrients where it is needed. Depression is often treated by aiding neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters transfer messages between brain cells. I believe that we have the ability to treat most of what afflicts us when we give ourselves what we need. Often what we need is proper nutrition. Consider the below to keep you mind healthy
1. Get your zzzzzs. Sleep allows you to repair and rebuild your body and processes what you have taken in for the day. Including food and memories. You actually burn more calories in these processes than you do watching tv. So get 6-8 hours a night.
2. Hydrate. Your body is about 60% water and you require it for many body functions. Water helps your kidneys function and clean toxins from the body as well as energizes your muscles.
3. Get your sweat on. Exercise is great at helping to remove toxins in your sweat and your muscles, good at helping to keep the mind active and great for helping the body to digest and move nutrition through the body.
4. Maintain a healthy weight. Fat has a tendency of holding toxins.
5. Get your essential antioxidants. Antioxidants such as beta carotene, vitamin C, E, B, B12, iron, zinc and selenium. Antioxidants are helpful at reducing free radicals’ impact. Free radicals can be very damaging to your brain. All can be found in Chlorella and Spirulina.
6. There are links between the neurotransmitter serotonin and carbohydrates. Eat healthy whole grains and stay away from bleached flour and processed sugars.
7. Omega 3 Fatty Acids. Studies show that people who are deficient in Omega 3 Fatty Acids have a higher rate of depression. Add flaxseeds, nuts, dark leafy greens and avocados to your diet in small doses. Note when adding flaxseed it is best to grind it up first as the hard shell is not easily digested.
Always consult your doctor and don’t be afraid to talk to friends or family. Depression affects many and there is nothing wrong with asking for help.
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